Gender of Names

Gender of Names – Род Имён Существительных

In Russian, names are separated by gender, drawn by number and gender. Russian nouns have inflection affixes according to both gender and states.

Names in Russian:
masculine genus – мужской род (м.р.)
dentalprovincial genus – женский род (ж.р.)
neutral genus – средний род (ср. р.)
is divided into three genera. The gender of the names is determined according to their last letters. However, the sex of living human and animal names is determined according to their actual physical gender.

The last tenses of Adjectives, parts of Possessive Pronouns, Ordinal Numbers, and Past Tenses of verbs vary according to the gender to which the nouns belong.

For example:

мужской род

женский род

средний род

новый дом

новая книга

новое пальто

мой стол

моя машина

моё письмо

второй урок

вторая ручка

второе дерево

ушёл брат

ушла сестра

ушло дитя

No matter what letter it ends with:

отец/папа (father)

сын (Child)

брат (Brother)

парень (boy)

друг (boyfriend)

дедушка (grandfather)

юноша (young man)

дядя (uncle, uncle)

мужчина (male)

their words are MALE GENDER.

Again, regardless of their last letters, the following names belonging to feminine sex beings are also FEMALE SEXES.

студентка (female student)

мама (mother)

сестра (Sister)

дочь (girl)

девушка (girl)

учительница (female teacher)

The last letters of Russian male and female names may be different. According to the physical sex of the person, the gender of the full and short forms of the names is determined.

мужской род

женский род













The sex of the names of all beings, except for the non-canonical ones from the names of living beings (plant names are like inanimate objects), is determined according to the table below.

gender table of names according to the last ornament;

Genus – род

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

masculine genus
мужской род

end consonant
стол, студент

end -й , -ий
музей, герой, санаторий

end –ь
день, учитель

feminine genus женский род

книга, студентка

end -я, – ия, -ья
деревня, армия, семья

end –ь
ночь, мать

neutral breed
средний род


end -е, –ие, -ьё
поле, здание, бeльё

end -мя
имя, Время

In the MALE and VERTICAL names section, examples of the names of living things are also included. Names ending with the last letters in this table; LEAN HAL TEKİL, in other words, dictionary forms. The reason why the last two letters of some words are written is because they take different charms according to the state of the name (время, имя).

In accordance with the table above, let’s see examples of groups of names included in each sex, respectively.

1. MALE CIN – Мужской Род (м.р.)

А. Names ending in consonants: All names ending in 20 consonants, except for the short letter İY (й), become MALE GENDER.

дом (house)

студент (university student)

мост (bridge)

педагог (pedagogue)

порт (port)

мальчик (child)

город (city)

Иван (Ivan)

пол (flooring)

врач (doctor)

потолок (ceiling)

автобус (bus)

лук (onion)

B. All nouns ending in a short İY (й) and some words in the form of adjectives are MALE GENDER.

музей (museum)

герой (hero)

чай (tea)

Сергей (Sergey)

сарай (warehouse)

Николай (Nikolai)

край (edge)

санаторий (sanatorium)

бой (war)

май (May)

Some of them that are used both as nouns and adjectives are as follows.
русский (Russian male)
рабочий (male worker)
учёный (scientist)

C. Some of the names ending with the SOFT SIGN (ь) are MALE GENDER. We can give names that end with this sign in many groups as follows.

(1) All month names ending with this sign (ь).

январь (January)

сентябрь (Sep)

февраль (February)

октябрь (october)

апрель (april)

ноябрь (November)

июнь (june)

декабрь (range)

июль (July)

Occupational names ending with the suffixes -тель and -арь.

писатель (writer)

пахарь (farmer)

читатель (reader)

учитель (teacher)

библиотекарь (librarian)

токарь (turner)

(2) No matter where they are used, the following names are always MALE GENDER.

автомобиль (cars)

день (days)

бинокль (binoculars)

дождь (rain)

госпиталь (hospital)

камень (stone)

картофель (potatoes)

рояль (piano)

кашель (cough)

рубль (rubles)

корабль (ship)

руль (steering wheel)

Кремль (Kremlin)

стиль (style)

лагерь (camp)

туннель (tunnel)

монастырь (monastery)

уголь (coal)

нуль/ноль (zero)

уровень (level)

огонь (fire)

штампель (stampa)

полдень (afternoon)

ячмень (rye)

портфель (handbag)

(3) The word кофе (coffee) as an exception is MALE SEX.

2. VERTICAL GENDER – Женский Род (ж.р.)

There are three groups of genera names, which are also included in this breed.

A. Names ending in -а.

картина (picture, table)

страна (country)

карта (map)

родина (homeland)

лампа (lamp)

сестра (Sister)

луна (month)

подруга (girlfriend)

парта (desktop)

девушка (adult girl)

дорога (road)

женщина (female)

A group of names ending in -а are MALE GENDER since they belong to living beings.

папа (father)

мужчина (man)

старшина (sergeant)

юноша (young man)

дедушка (grandfather)

B. Names ending in -я (-ия, -ья) are TEETH.

деревня (village)

Англия (United Kingdom)

земля (earth)

Россия (Russia)

неделя (weeks)

Турция (Turkey)

фамилия (surname)

Япония (Japan)

молния (lightning)

C. Some of the names ending with the SOFT SIGN (ь) are also TEETH.

You will learn such names in several subheadings.

(1) Names ending with the suffixes –ость and -есть are always TEETH.

старость (old age)

независимость (independence)

молодость (youth)

верность (loyalty)

новость (news)

свежесть (freshness)

радость (joy)

тяжесть (weight)

(2) Nouns ending with the suffixes -знь -сть -сь -вь -бь -пь are always VERTICAL GENDER.

болезнь (disease)

морковь (carrot)

весть (news)

обувь (shoe)

грусть (sadness)

подпись (signature)

жизнь (life)

цепь (chain)

кровь (blood)

часть (tracks, sections)

любовь (love, love)

честь (honor)

(3) The following names are always TEETH.

боль (pain)

лень (laziness)

гавань (port)

медаль (medal)

гибель (death)

медь (copper)

грудь (bust)

метель (blizzard)

грязь (dirt)

мысль (idea, thought)

даль (distance)

нефть (oil)

дверь (door)

осень (autumn)

ель (pine)

очередь (rank)

кровать (cot)

память (souvenir)

ладонь (al-ayası)

печаль (sadness)

пыль (dust)

площадь (square)

роль (role)

постель (bed)

ртуть (mercury)

сеть (network)

связь (contact)

тень (shadow)

скатерть (tablecloth)

тетрадь (notebook)

смерть (death)

четверть (quarter)

соль (salt)

цель (purpose, goal)

сталь (steel)

шинель (bonnet)

степень (degrees)

The gender of all nouns ending in the SOFT SIGN (ь), including those listed as both MALE and FEMALE above, is understood from the letters “м” (мужской) and “ж”(женский) opposite them in dictionaries. You should learn by memorizing names other than those specifically mentioned above. It is possible to identify the gender of the name from the ornaments taken by the noble words ADJECTIVE, ORDINAL NUMBER, PRONOUNS OF OWNERSHIP, which come before these names in the sentences in the books.

In Russian, the use of some words (ь) after the always soft mute ч and щ is used for the purpose of determining the gender of these nouns.

ночь (night)

вещь (item)

3. NEUTRAL GENDER – Средний Род (ср.д.)

The names of this breed are also grouped into three groups.

A. Names ending in -о.

окно (window)

зеркало (mirror)

слово (word)

утро (morning)

место (place)

перо (divit pen)

дерево (tree)

лето (summer)

небо (sky)

письмо (letter)

B. Names ending in -е (-ье, -ие) are NEUTRAL GENDER.

море (sea)

ружьё (gun)

поле (field)

бельё (laundry)

здание (building)

платье (women’s dress)

знание (information)

C. The few names that end in -мя are NEUTRAL GENDER.

имя (name, name)

пламя (flame)

время (time)

темя (top of the head)

знамя (banner)

бремя (load, burden)

семя (seed, grain)

вымя (animal udder)

племя (tribe, tribe)

D. Names of foreign origin that are mixed-attached and used without the inflection suffix.

The last jewelry of these breed names can be one of the letters о, е, ю, и, а, у. All of the following names are NEUTRAL GENDER.

пальто (coat)

жюри (jury)

метро (metro)

пари (bet)

кино (film)

бюро (office)

кафе (cafeteria)

шоссе (shose road)

интервью (talk)

Similarly, some names that have passed from foreign languages to Russian are ERIL CINS.

кенгуру (kangaroo)

шимпанзе (chimpanzee)

атташе (attaché)

кофе (coffee)

This post is also available in: Türkçe

By Rusça Dersleri

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