Russia Visa Always Leave to the Last Minute!

Rusya Vizesi

As a matter of fact, these Russian visa issues are a bit of a mess. “Come on, we understood that Europe, the United States put a visa on us, so who are these Russians who want a visa from us!” Don’t we give them their visas at the airport in two minutes? Even Putin said,… Continue reading Russia Visa Always Leave to the Last Minute!

Lesson 1 – Comprehending Russian Letters

Aisha Здравствуй, Мехмет! Zdrávstvuy, Mehmet! Hello! Jack Jack Здравствуй, Айше! Zdrávstvuy, Aisha! Hello, Ayesha! Aisha Ты учишь русский язык? What a pity? Do you learn Russian (language)? Jack Да, учу! А ты учишь? Da, fly! A Ti úçiş? Yes, I am learning! And are you learning? Aisha Я тоже! Ya tóje! So do I! Jack… Continue reading Lesson 1 – Comprehending Russian Letters